by mvallejoq | May 26, 2022 | Interviews, Projects, Sin categoría, Template VIST, Templates, Tipos, Vist Projects
Interviews - May 26, 2022 Mexico: cannabis that heals When Paco Briones was younger, in Tulancingo, Hidalgo, the access to drugs and substances was very restricted. In addition, people tended to be very moralistic. When he came to UNAM to study economics, he tried...
by mvallejoq | Apr 3, 2022 | Interviews, Projects, Template VIST, Templates, Tipos, Vist Projects
Interviews - April 03, 2022 The time we can’t stop Manu Melo Franco and his partner Hugo are Brazilian journalists and photographers. Before living on the road, they had a life “within the social patterns.” They felt uncomfortable: routine went...
by mvallejoq | Sep 24, 2021 | Drogas-Políticas-Violencias, Projects, Template DPV, Texts
Texts - September 24, 2021 Cannabis south and north of the border: a market in the United States and a war in Colombia For It is almost midnight on November 3rd, 2020, and 102 congressmen from the most conservative parties celebrate a triumph: they passed the bill to...