
- September 13, 2021 Consumidora I don’t think I’ve ever talked about the “drug problem” seriously. Sure, I’ve done it with friends, but in parties, when restless legs cannot find land where they can be calm and with voices of...

Under our acacia

- August 05, 2021 Under our acacia The head on one side and the body on the other. Thus it appeared. It was early, about two hours before she gets up and starts her daily ritual: the dog who doesn’t want to go down to the yard and she  screaming “Dolly go...

Cemetery in Medellín

- August 04, 2021 Cemetery in Medellín They brought them dead sons from the war, And daughters whom life had crushed, And their children fatherless, crying — All, all are sleeping, sleeping, sleeping on the hill. “The Hill” Edgar Lee Masters. 1 I have a persistent...